You must by now be fully aware of the identities of these
toxic agents or at least a number of them as some are rarely seen and often go
undetected and undiagnosed even as and after they damage the body of the
healthcare system. So what are we to do with Congress, our political parties
and the political industry (lobbyist being only one facet of this) that are
spreading their epidemic diseases to the nation’s healthcare? How do we triage
the damage and the risks that they are imposing on us all?
The answer of course is that we need to change the carrier
and the carrier system of these destructive pathogens: Congress. The change
will require American voters to seek and support only candidates that are willing
to not be for or against healthcare, but rather that are committed to imposing
requirements on our Government’s programs and policies that produce efficient and
effective healthcare, that use informed and intelligent methods and approaches
that guide and adapt the administration of the components of the system, and
that are indifferent to the partisan views by favoring and rewarding
achievement over adherence to a political view.
Healthcare can be better, cheaper and more vital
as a US industry and social value than any currently proposed or current
program is capable of being. We are watching healthcare suffer from the
indifference and carelessness typical of endeavors managed by Congress.