These are stances from which politicians or anyone can base
their arguments and defend their decisions, but these are not the reasons to be
for or against legalization; at least not reasons worthy of an informed and one
would hope intelligent society. Now I have to concede that starting with the
proposition that ours is an intelligent society is pressing the limits if
credibility but what else can one do but hope. The question on the table for
our society and our form of government is how to efficiently and effectively
manage the social issue of drug use be it marijuana, alcohol or tobacco. The
situation with each of these drugs is currently that we are failing in our
responsibilities to ourselves, our children and each other. As a consequence we
are failing with respect to other more destructive drugs and behaviors in even
more serious ways.
So what is the issue regarding marijuana and its
legalization that the politicians, the media, the religious factions, our
capitalistic business elite, social advocates, and the public at large should
be determining? The issue is how to best manage and deal with the implications
of marijuana (and we should apply equally to alcohol and tobacco) in our
society given that it is nothing more or less than one of the realities of the
world we live in; and the simplistic view that allowing its use or making it
illegal is the smart, sane, rational and prudent solution is unworthy of us as
a society. Simple solutions usually don’t work for a simple reason; if the
problem is overly complex and many faceted the simple is quite literally out
gunned and inadequate.
With this issue in the hands of politicians and special interests
the best we can expect is that marijuana should be relegated to the comparable status
of alcohol and tobacco. It should evolve to a regulated and managed substance.
This will not be easy or with its dependence upon political influences
accomplished well, but it may be the only solution that avoids the abysmal failures
that treating it as if it can be decided by the powers that be once and
therefore forever as a forbidden substance when the society has neither the
will nor the means to abolish it from our culture.
Along with this approach will be a societal requirement
to set responsibilities and accountabilities for those who choose to use,
produce, oversee and regulate it. The fact that this will not be easy does not
alter the inescapable obligation that we have to our society to do far better
than we have done to this point. You can choose to bury your head in the
visions of what you want to be real but the ‘laws of physics’ of the world we
live in do not bow to your visions.