Sunday, October 11, 2009

If Your So Smart, Why Are You in Congress?

You know how you always hear the phrase: “The best and the brightest”, when people are talking about the people that are chosen or appointed for public service. Surely, you don’t think this applies to the Congress-men/women that win the elections. Even if we look at the current President, we acknowledge he is intelligent; but the concept of him being the best and brightest is not the position being pushed. And there was never any doubt that his predecessor was not touted as a man of superior intelligence. Further, when we look at the behaviors that many of the Congressional legions getting caught and being engaged in disreputable actions; we quite often ask ourselves: “What was he/she thinking to do such a thing?” And more often than not, we think these individuals are to stupid to be believed.

I am prompted to say: “It’s inconceivable!” in the spirit of S. Morgenstern’s “The Princess Bride”; but from another line in said same book, I would be forced to conclude that “I don’t think that word means what you think it means.” If I actually thought our elected officials or their cadre of appointees and advisors were of even modestly above average intelligence, I would be grossly disappointed in their legislative efforts, their public behavior and their personnel lives. Unfortunately, I have adopted a prima facie assumption about politicians and their ilk that they typically are neither knowledgeable nor adequately informed about the subjects that they propound to be prepared to render their wise and considered judgments upon.

Some justification for this low opinion could be attributed to the fact that most of these preeminent politicos have not read the bills that they vote upon. Further many are ready and willing to proffer their vote at the direction of their party leadership or based upon carefully cultivated positions that resonate with the local, regional or national constituency that they feel or fear they must appease to retain their office. In a circular definition and logic process, these ‘best and brightest’ amongst us must rely upon the ‘superior’ wisdom and judgment of the masses to make the right decision.

Our leaders have become icons of an intellect which must depend upon the collective understanding and knowledge of the very same people that these Congressional marvels believe are not as able, informed or prepared to deal with. Champions of ideology who can lead us to the greatness that America offer, if only we can show them the way.

In this area, our leaders fail us all because they have failed to understand that being in a position of power does not bestow upon you the ability to make reality conform to their dictates nor their will. Having taken up a role in a country that became great, they take upon themselves the belief that they are able choose how to reform the world to their beliefs, to their desires and to their prejudices.

In the case of Health Care Reform, the sides are drawn and argued over is it socialism, is it beyond affordability, is it government take-over, or will we give up our freedom to choose our own physicians. Certainly these are very good and valid topics to consider and debate; and even eventually to address in the context of the legislation that is created. But why do these ‘best and brightest’ not even seem to be aware that the problem that they are trying to solve is not even exploring solutions which not only would suit their small-minded spirits and over-inflated egos; but solutions that would set America upon a path to a Health Care system that would be both the technologically most advanced in the world and would be patient-focused, market-driven, democratically oriented, and economically cost efficient.

Why, because these are not people who are accustomed to or experienced in solving problems; and they are never able to see that they should be turning their efforts to crafting a system and process which is not dependent upon their knowledge, wisdom or judgment to operate in the public interest.

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