Tuesday, December 1, 2009

You Can Have Anything You Want At Congress’ Restaurant

Ever wonder why the wealthiest nation and economy in the world has a deficit? It’s because the Republicans and Democrats have individually and collectively chosen to be the extreme versions of what they claim they are not. The Republicans claim that they want to protect the American people from Big Government and guarantee states and individual freedom from governmental bureaucracy, and low taxes. The Democrats claim that they want to ensure equal treatment under the law and protect individual rights, and to have affordable government.

The problem with these parties’ objectives is that the politicians of both stripes completely abandon and disregard the fundamental responsibility that is essential to any viable system of government. That is, the parties do not hold themselves responsible to insure that the Government that we have is the Government that we can afford. The parties and politicians are so greedy and self serving that they sacrifice everyone and everything to their view. We establish government programs that commitment the Government and therefore the citizens to fund and pay for ever increasing items. Whether these are social programs to guarantee that members of the society are kept out of poverty, even thought we have poverty that is not addressed by these programs. We have programs committed to keeping the nation secure and strong even as they weaken the economy and the strength of our social system. We feed the insatiable hunger of each little political idea that belongs to some special interest group which is constructed to benefit them not for the sake of the society but for their own benefit at the expense of everyone else.

Can you really say that you don’t understand what it means to fund US war efforts off-the books? Can you not recognize what accepting unfunded mandates will require of you eventually? Do you really think that promising to pay-out pensions and benefits based on future revenues does not require you to understand the price you will pay when (and I don’t mean if) there is an economic in-balance between the revenues coming in and the expenditures required to go out? And do you truly believe that you do not actually understand the ultimate responsibility that you will be called upon to stand up and deliver?

Well, if you haven’t accepted or understood that everything that the Government does is dependent upon you paying for it via your taxes. There is no money but your money. Whether you want the Government to provide security and military capabilities to protect the nation; to provide a social safety net to prevent the elderly, retired and children in our country from falling into crushing poverty; to subsidize one industry or area of the economy or another from some threat or to insure a level of independence to that area; or to provide basic social services such as education there is one fact that you can hide from or refuse to acknowledge but you cannot avoid. The Government is no different than you home. You have to pay for everything you want in your home.

And it is this responsibility that the Democrats and Republicans have purposely chosen to turn a blind eye to. They are afraid of and dumbfounded by the issues that this responsibility presents. These politicians have no courage to confront this issue or the integrity to put this issue before the voters in a clear and honest manner. We are already seeing the consequences of this cowardice.

And at the very heart of this irresponsibility is the public. The politicians’ failure is only possible because the public allows them to be unaccountable. The fault and guilt stands before you each and every time you stand before a mirror. The failure is the populace and its irrational desire to get more out than you have put in, or worse to get something for nothing. America can no more afford to operate as if we were fools or stupid as Congress.

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