Friday, March 11, 2011

Wisconsin Gov. Claiming a Bush-ish Mission Accomplished?

Has Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker declared victory when in fact he has only done what most politicians do, think they have solved the problem because they passed a bill? What actually has he done? He has eliminated the scope of collective bargaining over which the state government will negotiate with Wisconsin’s public/civil service employees. And thus all is well in the state of Wisconsin.
Now I don’t want to trickle-down on the man’s triumphant parade; but didn’t he recognize the big gaping hole that he left open? Yes, he can dictate conditions to the public employees that they can no longer impede, delay or usurp with union restrictions negotiated between the union(s) and the state government. But his bill doesn’t prevent the union from putting making him pay for his success, perhaps at a greater cost than he thinks he saved the state.

Of course, I don’t know if the unions or the middle class have recognized the doughnut hole yet. Maybe he’ll be lucky and they won’t see the fragility of his success. Someone will figure it out eventually though, and by then the great victory will have faded and the Governor be off doing some other wondrous thing for the whole nation. Something with equal claim and unfortunately equal substance.

After all, when you claim victory the game has to be over and the score has to be final and in your favor. The game isn’t over. It never is in the real world, only in politics. The score isn’t final, and the resulting sweet taste of success could turn into a sour and bitter dose of medicine yet.

Fortunately, I can securely and confidently rely upon reality to provide the Governor, the state, and the public with exactly what they have ‘elected’ to receive (and deserve). If they are rational, intelligent and prudent then they will prosper; and if they are the foolish bumbling addle pates typical of the political process then I wouldn’t recommend Wisconsin as your destination for a secure future.

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