Perhaps the public has had enough. The polls indicate that Congress has attained its lowest approval level ever, despite my not being included in the sample. So what is the public going to do?
Just like the Stupor committee, the public is going to fail. The electorate will not act to show the power of their dissatisfaction, the force of their anger, or the drive of their wrath. Voters will return the members of the Stupor committee to their offices. Why, because the public doesn’t understand the basic physics of politics. If your elected officials don’t accomplish the tasks placed before them then the voters need to separate them from their office even if their opponent is as big a nincompoop as they are. When asked why they failed, you will hear lots of explanations, but none of these excuses matter. They failed, and they did nothing to prevent it. They only knew how to operate in the mode that Congress has come to operate in. Not one of the members thought of anything else that they could do. Not one of the members produced or provided any useful approach to addressing the impasse or lighting the way forward. Just more we said/they said bickering.
It can’t be left to the Democrats, it can’t be left to the Republicans; the nation’s Independents have got to stand up and make it clear that you go to Congress on the basis of Independents’ decisions and not that of whichever party the morons are affiliated with. As a member of Congress you do not talk about why the other side is wrong until after you have presented a plan of your own and a reasoned and rational argument for that plan. If the other side’s plan cannot hold up to your plan on the basis of that rationale then they are not ready to be your representative nor worthy of your vote. Simply put, no member of Congress today should have ever been elected.That is the reason their approval is so low. People are beginning to recognize the magnitude of their mistake in voting for incompetent ideologies that are bought and paid for by the highest bidder.
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