Wednesday, December 14, 2011

An Unnatural Marriage in Congress over Medicare

Paul Ryan (R) and Ron Wyden (D) have formed an unholy alliance to corrupt American health care. I am surprised that a Republican would engage in such immoral anti-family value policies or that a Democrat would embrace a corporate subsidy program to the detriment of the public. I suppose these two men were tempted by the extreme liberal and the radical conservative views that they could fix the system that Congress created and have modified periodically to repair the defects that began to way it down. They have deceived themselves into thinking that they are proposing an innovative approach that will address all the concerns that permeate the political spectrum. Having succumb to this evil and misguided belief they are now out proselytizing to turn other upstanding and morally righteous members of Congress (or some close approximation thereof) to their debased lifestyle position.
This pseudo-fix for the Medicare system is of course a compromise which speaks well for both men as it demonstrates that they possess enough flexibility in their philosophical views to comprehend the merit of understanding a view other than one’s own. Further it shows that they are able to find the greater value in a common solution serving both views’ needs. But strive as they might, they came up with just another weak-minded approach based on a simplistic understanding of the issue. The solution is the old “let’s do both” and somehow this will fix it plan.
Why not step back and you know do something never done by Congress before: actually understand the problem, and design a solution that will correct the flawed aspects of the current Medicare system and include new features that will improve the American health care system? Now I wouldn’t actually expect them to do this, come up with the solution itself. They would have to have someone put together the new American health care policy for them, and then let them present it as their solution. If they don’t know where to find someone who can do this, some advice; don’t turn to special interest groups. They are blinded by their motivation to insure that they secure a large share of the budget. It’s not that the special interest groups can’t be involved, they should be used by the plan crafters to play one interest off against the other; but they cannot be in the lead.
Also, politicians should be excluded from providing the framework, the details or any aspect of the plan. Their role is more aligned with their capabilities. They would vote for or against it, but nothing more.

If this couple would pursue this life-style choice instead of the unnatural union they are practicing, they could save themselves from being that abomination to the nation: being nothing more than just another member of Congress.

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