As we journey down the crumbling brick road to the infamous ‘Embattled
City’ of DC, we encounter many tales about the denizens of that city and of the
strange and damaged creatures that inhabit the land of US. The citizens of US
look to a collection of individuals collectively known as the Whiz-herd of
Congress to provide the solutions to all their problems. These Whiz-herd
representatives of the people are themselves characteristic of the creatures in
US, and we gain an understanding of the US by understanding these Whiz-herds
What personalities, abilities and attitudes then do we find amongst
the Whiz-herds revealing the explanations for the failures, dysfunction and
problem producing actions that they impart upon the nation?
The Whiz-herd includes a number and a variety of scarecrow
types. They range from those whose standard persona are the harbingers of doom
to those who, like the reeds that famously stuff their heads, bend and twist
with every wind that blows through the political fields. There is not much
difference between the motivations at work within these effigies of political
ineptitude that burn so brightly within their Party. Whether these Whiz-herds
are fanning the flames of fear or of hatred or are simplistically following
from the front of their constituencies’ anxieties about and toward the future
and change, they are doing so with the intelligence and rationality that would
be expected from someone with a brain made of desiccated pasture fodder. It is
this deficiency in insight, comprehension and reasoning that most informs us
about these Whiz-herds’ inability to serve the public and accomplish
productive, efficient and important service to the nation. Can we really be
astonished about the non-functioning of Congress when considering the
composition of the compost that most assuredly is fermenting within their
cranium and which, like its gardening counterpart, will only be useful when
deeply buried within the ground and far out of sight.
The scarecrow dimension of the Whiz-herds is not the only or
even necessarily the dominant characteristic among our members of Congress.
There are plenty of Whiz-herds with the tin-man property incorporated into
their construction. Those Whiz-herds most
embodying these mechanical and rigid approaches to every situation and problem are
the proud and pompous promoters of unfeeling compassionless non-solutions that
reflect their stifled visions of America. And the public suffers from these Whiz-herd solutions
that are built as inflexible and intolerant programs into the operating system
of our society inflicting the dehumanizing philosophies imprinted upon the
central processor of these tin-men.
Continuing in this allegoric line of references are the cowardly
lions of the Whiz-herd coterie. We will recognize the bellowing, blustering,
bombastic bullies who believe that their pontificating positions of power in
the pride endow them with an automatic authority that is part of the natural
order of the world. They operate from a mind-set of fear either in themselves
or their supporters which they translate into the need to attack every movement
or shadow in the hope that it will scare off anything that might require real
courage to stand up and challenge the established herd or Whiz-herd mentality. These lionized representatives who cower
before a media poll statistic that to act against would require them to fight for
an idea or ideal that serves the nation’s interests but directly challenges the
inferred public position of any group from which they receive support. We find in our safari through the
Congressional savannas these officials who tremble before a pledge requiring
their submission to the alpha-males that control the pride. And so are left
with Whiz-herds who can only operate within the pack’s political policies because
any attempt to challenge the status quo would mean actually taking a risk of becoming
a powerful king of the political jungle.
It is from these qualities and personalities that we are
left with the Congress of Wondering Whiz-herds. Those purveyors of politics
that are more involved in misdirections, sleights of hand, and flash over
substance displays that are performing their role not to serve but to placate,
entertain and deceive the public so that they can continue their tenure in the
halls of power.
So don’t look behind that curtain and witness the Whiz-herds’
true nature. If you start examining what the Whiz-herds are doing or are not
doing, you will begin to realize that they are not doing the peoples’ business,
they are not solving our problems, they are not leading or protecting us. The
Whiz-herds are desperately working to prevent anyone from demonstrating that
they don’t have the answers and can’t address the real national problems.
The denizens of US must look away from the media theater of
personalities and pointless principles of platitudes, and stay out of the enticing
political poppy-fields cultivated by our Republican and Democratic parties. The
time has come for a great political tornado to rid the halls of Congress of
these Whiz-herds and return us to a land of the people, by the people and for
the people. We have always been able to return there, we just seem to have
forgotten that we must do it.
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