If you recall from Rogue Thinking #2, there is presently an
enormous difference between COVID infections, hospitalizations, and deaths
between vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals. The difference does not
favor the unvaccinated. But besides being a generally expectable outcome, there
is more to be learned from this difference.
For one thing, the idea of ‘herd-immunity’ is shown to be
more complicated than the simple notion of how a disease spread through a
population until that population is either rendered self-protected, decimated,
or extinct. COVID isn’t virulent enough to pose an extinction outcome as no
totally lethal variant has emerged though that is always a risk. But even
should one emerge, it would be highly unlikely to annihilate humanity but rather
the current level of modern civilization. In essence, herd-immunity would be
achieved by reducing our large civilization herds to small isolated pocket
The COVID variants present today are following the more
classic notion of how a disease spread through a population and reduces the
herds numbers by some percentage. The way the disease spreads and the ease with
which it is transmitted determines how quickly it reaches its herd-immunity
state. The current phenomenon where COVID is producing the high differential
outcomes between the vaccinated and unvaccinated might seem to be both obvious
and puzzling at the same time.
On the obvious side is the basic expectation that vaccinated
people either do not get ill when exposed due to their acquired immunity or
their illness exhibits much lower severity of symptoms if any at all. Whereas
the unvaccinated will results in outcomes expected from infections without any
pre-infection acquired immunity. If you have a population evenly divided
between vaccinated and unvaccinated that difference become apparent immediately.
If you start with a totally unvaccinated population, you get the pandemic
results that we saw with COVID. Once vaccines arrived, this created a new
grouping within the population and the differentiated results begam emerging. From
this ‘obvious’ perspective there is nothing unusual going on here. Except,
there is more going on.
In your typical ‘herd’ there is just that transmission
process operating according to laws of physics, biological activities, and laws
of probability. The disease spreads, produces its ‘natural selection’ outcomes,
and eventually creates the ‘herd-immunity’ end-state (of whatever type the
particular disease creates). But that is not strictly true for COVID, or more
precisely, the processes which are controlling the spread and results for the human
In the US, COVID outcomes have diverged in concert with vaccinated
versus unvaccinated as noted above. However, what are the “cause and effect”
relationships which account for why someone is vaccinated or unvaccinated? If some
people could not get access to vaccinations, then the question would be: “Why
not?” But the evidence indicates the vast majority of unvaccinated people have
self-selected to not be vaccinated. Is that self-selection just a random decision
even distributed through the population? No. The data/evidence tells us that one
of the most prevalent factors associated with this self-selection is political
alignment. Given that the COVID virus is non-partisan, the connection of spread
and outcomes to politics warrants some consideration regarding why.
It could just be that if you are unvaccinated that’s it. If
vaccines are 95% effective, then viola! That would say that 1 out of 20
vaccinated people are not adequately protected, while all of the unvaccinated
remain exposed. But that is just part of the obvious understanding of the
situation and the simple math. Why are the bulk of the unvaccinated aligned
with a conservative political party? This doesn’t mean that no conservatives
are vaccinated or that no liberals are unvaccinated. It just means that there
is numeric imbalance between those two orientations. To explain the different outcomes, Occam’s razor
would conclude that that is the simplest explanation. Your political alignment
influences your self-selection choice, and that choice produces the predictable
outcome based upon your party.
But there is much more that can be learned and that can be
contributing to the excessive hospitalizations and deaths among conservative members
of the population. For the simple math to explain it all, the disease must be
spreading equally throughout the population which requires physical conditions to
be the case. For example, the population of conservatives and liberals would
uniformly distributed, the prevalence of the virus has to be uniformly present throughout
the population, or method(s) of transmission has to be uniformly operating
across the population. None of these conditions are or have been true. Consider
how population density can be influential in where and how the virus spreads.
Early in the disease it was most prevalent in high population density areas. What
might influence key elements of transmission within the conservative
There are some very likely candidates. While no one
candidate needs to be the ‘one’ that is causal, the aggregate affect may account
for a significant part of the process producing the disparate results. Consider
some of the following population attributes and factors:
· Parents’ political party/alignment
· Place of birth or where you were raised
· Religious affiliation
· Political orientation of friends, co-workers, neighborhood, community
· Education: level, quality, region (urban, suburban, rural), economic status, major, …
· Career / Employment
· Economic status
· Other factors which have some influence over your political alignment
Why do these attributes and factors matter in what political
party you choose to align yourself with? Well, because each of them is part of
the environment in which you grew into who you are. You learned from all the
things that made up your environment and that presented you with the ‘facts’
and ‘knowledge’ about the world. If selecting your own political/ideological view
were just something that you did and was not connected to these factors, math
would say the data we see would be highly improbable. Children are much more
likely to be/choose the same party as their parents. Your friends, neighbors, and
community are more likely to be of your political alignment. If your religion
is aligned to a political party, you are also likely to be. Much of this is due
to your exposure to the ideas, values, rules, and behaviors that you experience
as you grow from childhood to adulthood. To be a member of a family, a group, a
community, or a region and be accepted by the other members puts a heavy burden
on following the precepts of those entities. This doesn’t mean that there are
no individual differences or rogue members but that there is a tendency toward
a common perspective (a convergence toward the average). Being different is
acceptable, as long as it is not too different and doesn’t violate an absolute
behavior/belief of the ‘group’.
Conservatives (and liberals) are commonly found to live in
communities/regions which are mostly concentrations of conservatives (or
liberals). To paraphrase the “You are what you eat” concept, “You are where you
grew up”. It is very human to be ‘tribal’.
What does all this have to do with COVID and the 20 to 1
disparity between the unvaccinated and the vaccinated? Well, if your ‘tribe’
decides that being vaccinated goes against the tribal values and is a betrayal
of your commitment to the tribe; well, then your desire to be a member of the
tribe is going to influence your decision. Conforming to the tribe’s position
may even provide a strengthening of the bonds and beliefs in the tribe. It’s
just human nature.
If conservatives live in communities that are composed of
mostly or more conservatives, if conservatives interact with and engage more
often with others who are conservative, if conservatives are more likely to
choose to be unvaccinated because not getting vaccinated is perceived as following
a conservative value then the spread of the virus among conservatives is
increased. The consequences of those infections being more severe for
unvaccinated individuals will contribute to the known outcomes. The 20 to 1
disparity in hospitalizations and deaths makes perfect mathematical sense. The
process of herd-immunity operates locally through the transmission of the virus
from person to person. The concentration of unvaccinated individuals due to
factors like political alignment just plays into this process. It’s just simple
math. It’s the math of epidemics/pandemics. It’s the math of herd-immunity. It’s
the math of Darwinian evolution.
It has now also become the math of politics.
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