Thursday, September 9, 2010

Where Is Divine Guidance? The Mosque Controversy at Ground-Zero

What we have here is a failure to find divine guidance, heavenly inspiration or spiritual revelation. You would think that with all the different religious groups contributing to the controversy over the proposed Ground-Zero mosque that someone amongst the rabble would have seen the opportunity rather than the conflict. Surely somewhere in the tenets of their numerous faiths that, at least in one, there is some authoritative source that provides them with instructions on how to approach problems in their lives. Some principles to apply when there is a conflict that they need to deal with.

Wait! Perhaps it is not reasonable to expect the faithful of any of these religious groups to be knowledgeable practitioners of their faith’s orthodoxy or understand the practical application of their beliefs to real world situations. If only we had some recognized leaders or teachers of these faiths, or individuals that hold some authoritative position or standing within their respective communities involved in discussions and negotiations of the issues then we might hope for wise and sage guidance. I am not sure, but I do believe I have seen one or two acknowledged religious leaders attempting to weigh in on this issue. And thus with such knowledgeable spiritual leaders, particularly with their prayers and meditations on the dilemma confronting them, certainly we will see the wisdom of their faith illuminated in their comprehensive solution to the conflict.

After all, I would expect something much better than the trite and hackneyed positions offered by every media outlet, news anchor and politician salivating over the attention that they can glean from this strife-ridden conflict. The defense of religious freedom is a salient argument and position, but not exactly inspired. Most American’s of any religious or non-religious orientation know about the principle of freedom of religion; even if a surprisingly large number of them don’t seem to be able to apply the principle to anyone but themselves.

Religious tolerance is yet another argument put forth by some among the chosen, but clearly sprouting more from our traditional American values than a illuminating blessed vision from above. Not exactly the making of a new parable teaching the multitude or the faithful about the wisdom of the Almighty.

We even have the business moguls, diplomatic gurus and political luminaries offering to arrange for an exchange of site locations to alleviate the ire of the self-righteous hate and fear-mongers and to assuage the affront to the Islamic community of being ostracized. There is no indication whatsoever in the different versions of these proposals of a divine revelation toward a solution to the problem.

I just can’t believe that none of the leaders and representatives of the religious communities have even received a glimps of inspired insight about the opportunity presented by this conflict. That they are allowing the moment to slip away to demonstrate the bounteous rewards and blessings that their spiritual beliefs and principles gain for them, if only followed in the here and now.

Well there is still time. Perhaps a favored one will open themselves to the power of their God and hear the small gentle whisper that forces open the gate obstructing the way to paradise. Just make that simple choice to ask, “What can we do here to turn this turmoil of anger into a triumph of understanding?” With just a little thought, a little thinking out-side the box, a little opening of their own hearts, and a little faith in their Faiths; someone will surely find at least the mustard seed from which a powerful solution can grow. I suppose I could offer a hint, but then I think I have.

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