Sunday, May 29, 2011

Field of Schemes

America has recently raised a new hybrid variety of genetically modified politicians across a number of the nation’s political fields. This domestic crop of representatives has yet to be valued in the public marketplace as to whether they are to be a productive and useful commodity, or just another field of weeds that will have to be up rooted in order to plant another variety in the next political season that might bear some nutritious fruit. We only have to hope that if they are indeed weeds that it doesn’t turn out that they destroy the land and leave it unsuitable for productive use or worse, lethal to the public.

New Jersey has given us one particular example in Governor Chris Christie. He has made some headway in becoming one of the new conservative poster boys and hard-nosed players on the national political scene. Certainly there is a lot of huffing and puffing, and then there is the occasional decision and its corresponding justification. Or, in more cases than not, these rationalization just sounds like a reason though they are in fact really not. You’ve all heard the proclamations that almost ring true, but upon examination of what the decision was you are left wondering if you might deserve a teaching moment or more pointedly a visit to the shed. You know the quotes: “I was sent here to make the hard decisions.”, or “This is what the American people expect.” After hearing these, it often occurs to me that I didn’t find the decision hard, but rather just stupid or wrong; or that it wasn’t what I expected of a leader but rather that of a politician as we have come to know them.

In this season of the crusading conservatives who have come to save the profligate states from their foolish ways, Christie has stood up and challenged many opponents. Some he has vanquished, others he has pronounced “Mission Accomplished” proclamations against even if he has somehow not actually managed to confront or defeat them, and there are always the battles that he fights and loses which then aren’t talked about because it would tarnish his prodigious armor. But sadly today, this is the way of politicians. It’s more how you say it looks than what it actually looks like. Given the fiscal disaster that he had to grapple with in New Jersey, he has taken actions which he has had no choice but to take. Given a knife to cut the budget, he cut the budget. Of course, was he a skilled and knowledgeable surgeon cutting away the tumor, or the quack recklessly maiming the patient? Fortunately for him, more often than not the quality of his decisions will not be determinable or attributable to him even long after his is gone.

But there are moments when the world presents an opportunity for the public to demand that such politicians stand and deliver. When the decisions that they are going to make for the ‘public good’ can be tested against the man’s/woman’s character, judgment, intellect and wisdom. Such a moment exists now for the citizens of New Jersey with regard to Governor Christie. This same moment also exists for many other Governors in other states, both Democrat and Republican.

What an opportunity! These political leaders can stand up and be counted. They can directly show the public and the nation their personal integrity, their own confidence in their judgment, and their willingness to be responsible and accountable for their decisions in office. How fortunate to be a politician in such a time. How lucky to be able to stand before the public and show them right here and now, that they ‘put it all on the line’ in their service to the people. Surely history will remember them for being the type of statesman/woman who epitomizes the American values and ideals. How could they shrink from an opportunity like this, unless they were not really conducting themselves as public servants?

What is the opportunity? Well, one case is the natural gas fracking issue. Governor Christie has indicated that New Jersey needs to proceed with gas explorations and the use of the fracking process for the good of New Jersey. He may not be a scientist, engineer or particularly knowledgeable about the subject, but he believes that providing affordable and domestic-sourced energy is vital to New Jersey and the nation; and if the process of fracking will provide that then he believes that the state should support and encourage the business. Many New Jerseyians agree and support this view, and many do not; that is why it’s a political issue. And here is where Christie can move to the forefront, here is where he can be the leader that New Jersey and the nation needs.

All that is required is that Governor Christie pledge to accept the consequences of his decision. He only needs to take a simple and easily accomplished promise; and then he must do what so many politician always fail to do, he must abide by his promise and fulfill his oath. Now if the Governor or no one else has figured out what the pledge is, I would only ask that you take a moment to think what would be an obvious, direct and immediate action that he or any other governor or politician could take. And now that you’ve thought about it, I am sure that you see it as clearly as I do.

If you don’t recognize it, well perhaps you might seek assistance from your friends and neighbors, from your colleagues and party members, or from those whose opinions and judgments you respect. And if this fails, I am sure we can find a way to provide the answer. The ‘ah ha’ moment will be well worth it.

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