Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Everything Has Been Asked and Discussed

President Obama today said that the Health Care Reform topic has been fully questions, discussed and debated; and that there is nothing more to be discussed. Where have I heard this intellectual logic before?

If I recall there have been several renowned and illustrious personages in the past who have rendered this equivalent assessment about a variety of areas of human endeavor. And as we all know, things have not worked out well for their declarations of completeness. In this case, President Obama may be right, because he did refer to everything in the context of the Republicans and Democrats, and he was in fact referring to the members of Congress and the two parties. And in terms of the knowledge base available to this group of people, they have probably discussed everything that is within their collective scope of understanding and ability. But let’s face it, these are not folks who possess a wealth of knowledge; and they certainly don’t have a clue about how to solve a problem. So yes, Obama is right; the Democrats and Republicans have discussed everything that they could think of with respect to addressing the Health Care problems and ways to solve it.

But, he is also wrong in the context of having every question or most certainly every solution to the Health Care dilemma facing the country.

And in typical politician manner (independent of party) he is going to move forward to accomplish his objective. This is mostly because absent any notion that there are far better ways to address the Health Care issues, he cannot conceive of any other means to fulfill a political promise. Likewise, his Republican opponents have rallied around their in-depth assessment that exclusively centered on how to say: No!; regardless of facts, values or benefits to the public. As for innovative ideas or approaches that would actually significantly contribute to addressing the very problems that the Republicans are most rabid about, they don’t have a clue.

One can only hope that at some point, one of these political parties or both will figure out that they may actually have to find someone who can tell them how to solve these problems. But that is not their style nor their nature. They are more likely to pursue their “visions” of the “right” way to do this. They will turn to the failed methods that have let us down time and time again. Not to worry, Congress always has a back-up plan when their plan fails. After they have wasted billions, if not trillions, on their solutions; Congress will come and require the American public to fork over more money to pursue some other scatter-brained solution that will be doomed to fail from the start.

Fortunately, whichever party puts forth the particular plan that is passed; they will blame the other side for being responsible for the failure and get their party supports to believe them. Let it never be said that Congress cannot get more money from your wallets.

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