Thursday, March 25, 2010

It’s Not A Debate, It’s The Sin Of Congress

We are witnesses to the recurring sin of Congress. While today it is the Republicans and Democrats, this demented ritual has been performed by previous incantations of the political parties. The Republicans and the Democrats are simply the current evolutionary variants of the failed members of the species. With the passage and signing of the Health Care Reform bill and its signing into law, the Republicans are rallying the troops around the battle standards to both delay and detract from any effort to address problems with the Senate version, and to establish a goal to campaign on and to then repeal the law. In automatic and predictable response to the Republicans strategy, the Democrats are marshalling their forces; so that like the Republicans, they to can fight the glorious pitched battles before the rapacious party loyalist and the pandering media eager to serve the myopic public the latest in meaningless Congressional bloviating.

So after contending over the bill for a year, without any serious or dutiful effort to work on a collaborative approach to Health Care Reform, both parties will continue their bickering and harping about the misguided intentions of the other. Thus instead of fulfilling their oath and duty to serve the country and the public, neither party will focus on significant issues of substance or purpose. Rather, these partisan party stalwarts will seek to play to the ideologically petrified concepts of their “bases”. Do the politicians have no comprehension that these self-proclaimed sacrosanct positions are the root-causes of the disastrous circumstances that Congress has created over the years to deliver the country to the unstable state in which the rest of us have to struggle to survive?

Shouldn’t members of Congress and the Administration of either stripe be held responsible for their actions? Congress should not be able to just create laws and programs that promise to provide those governmental services that they see as necessary and appropriate to their views without regard to consequences. They should be courageous and honorable enough to place the burdens of cost and sacrifice onto the populace that expects to receive the benefits. Perhaps most or all members of Congress and the Administration were poorly served by the American educational system. Did they never learned the basic concepts of cause and effect, nor grasped the fundamental and simple reality of the three laws of thermodynamics that apply to every endeavor whether governmental or private? If they did, they behave as irresponsibly as if they had been home sick when it was taught.

So we will watch the politicians ‘debate’ their positions, without rhyme or reason and without any understanding of how to affectively achieve whatever goal and objective that they have. No matter who wins the day, each party will direct the country toward their vision of the American dream. But since they don’t understand what the problems actually are, and don’t know how to create a rational and intelligent approach to addressing problems in practical terms; the politicians will produce bigger catastrophes and more destructive social institutions than they could were they actually trying to harm America.

And this is the sin of Congress. In their partisan blindness, their sins are visited upon the country.

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